Monday 10 March 2008

People who inspire me!

Hi my name is seb andI'm to talk about who inspires me:
Famous people:
Stevie Williams ispires me because as a little kid he was very poor and lived in the "Ghetto". He used to discriminated as a kid for being black and for being a skateboarder, but, he ignored all of those people and decided that he was going to be a skateboarder no matter what. Stevie Williams is now a pro and is the D.G.K. founder (Dirty Ghetto Kids).

I admire my dad because he's very fun to be with and always did what he wanted to.

I admire my friend Juan Pablo because he's fun to be with and has a great personality, he always has good advice to give someone.

People outside of my family:
I admire CAN2 ( a graffiti writer) because he has a great personality and is very smart. He never gave up graffiti because it is passion, nowdays he is very talented and even has his own website.

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